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Nanoparticle heating for improved therapeutics, diagnostics and regenerative medicine

讲座名称: Nanoparticle heating for improved therapeutics, diagnostics and regenerative medicine
讲座时间 2017-07-18
讲座地点 生命学院(教2楼)308学术报告厅
讲座人 John C. Bischof

应生命学院徐峰教授邀请,美国明尼苏达大学John C. Bischof教授来我院做学术交流。

讲座题目: Nanoparticle heating for improved therapeutics, diagnostics and regenerative medicine
讲座时间: 2017年7月18日(星期二)  上午 9:00
讲座人: John C. Bischof 教授
讲座摘要:Gold and magnetic nanoparticles have unique and tunable properties that allow transduction of optical (light), or radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields to affect heating of biomaterials at multiple scales.  This talk will explore the underlying physics and relative advantages of each form of nanoparticle heating and then introduce several applications. First, laser heating of gold nanoparticles is used to achieve an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity for common point-of-care (POC) diagnostic assays (i.e. a lateral flow immunoassay or LFA) through “thermal” vs. visual contrast.  This increase in sensitivity addresses the main weakness of the LFA, increasing opportunities for use in POC settings and avoiding the cost, time and labor of laboratory tests.  Second, RF heating of magnetic nanoparticles deployed within biomaterials can be used for improved cancer hyperthermia and regenerative medicine.  For instance, in regenerative medicine, “nanowarming” by this method can heat vitrified biomaterials at sufficiently rapid and uniform rates to avoid crystallization and cracking, thereby addressing an important technology bottleneck. In summary, this talk demonstrates the growing opportunities for nanoparticle heating in biomedical applications.



Bischof’s area of research is in thermal bioengineering with a focus on focal energy therapy, cryopreservation, diagnostics and nanomedicine. Awards and recognition for his work include: the ASME Van Mow Medal; several “Career,” “First” and “Young Investigator” Awards from the NSF, NIH and Whitaker Foundation; and Fellowships in AIMBE, ASME, Society for Cryobiology, Alexander von Humboldt, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).  He has served as the President of the Society for Cryobiology and Chair of the Bioengineering Division of the ASME.

讲座视频 暂无视频

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