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Multimodality Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions in the New Era of Precision Medicine

讲座名称: Multimodality Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions in the New Era of Precision Medicine
讲座时间 2017-07-20
讲座地点 科学馆561会议室
讲座人 Baowei Fei

应生命学院王珏教授邀请,美国埃默里大学、佐治亚理工学院Baowei Fei 副教授来我院做学术交流。

讲座题目: Multimodality Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions in the New Era of Precision Medicine
讲座时间: 2017年7月20日(星期四)上午 9:00
讲座人: Baowei Fei 副教授
Quantitative imaging and image-guided interventions are a leading force in a new era of precision medicine where quantitative methods of engineering and systems sciences have a pivotal role in the detection, diagnostics, and treatment of various diseases. There are urgent needs to develop quantitative imaging methods and bioengineering tools for aiding clinical decision making. Such quantitative imaging may require the use of multiple imaging modalities that provide anatomical, functional, and molecular information at the cellular and molecular levels. This talk will illustrate the power of multimodality imaging and image-guided intervention (IGI) technology for cancer detection and diagnosis. A successful example will be provided to demonstrate how innovative tools of biomedical engineering can be translated to the clinic setting in order to save lives and improve patient care. Specifically, this research developed quantitative imaging and IGI technologies, including PET molecular imaging, deformable image registration, automatic image segmentation, and computer assisted intervention, for improved the detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer in human patients. By combining multimodality imaging, multidimensional data, and IGI technologies, this research is to have positive implications for cancer detection, diagnosis, and therapy.


Dr. Baowei Fei is Director of the Quantitative BioImaging Laboratory (QBIL) and Director of Precision Imaging Research Division in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine. He is an Associate Professor with tenure in both the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine and Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Fei is a Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Cancer Scholar. He  is an international leader in quantitative imaging and image-guided interventions. He serves as Conference Chair for the International Conference of SPIE Medical Imaging. Dr. Fei served as the Chair for the NIH Study Section. He served as an Associate Editor for Medical Physics, an Editorial Board Member for five journals in the field of biomedical imaging, and a reviewer for more than 20 international journals in medical imaging. Dr. Fei has presented internationally and is widely published in the field of medical imaging.

讲座视频 暂无视频

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